
Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Would you like to become an ELT materials writer?

There are so many talented teachers who create materials for their students each day and never have the opportunity to get them published.

 Perhaps this is you.
  • Would you like to develop your career as an ELT writer?
  • Would you like to generate an income from the materials you produce?
  • Do you enjoy creating materials for your students?
  • Do you write articles for a blog that you would like to put into a book?
  • Do you create teacher development sessions that other teachers could use?
  • Do you like creating your own stories or games for students?
  • Do you have an idea for a teacher development book?
  • Do you have an idea for materials that don’t fit within the usual ELT paper-based niche?
  • Would you like some feedback and help with your ideas?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, please sign up here to keep in touch with me about a new opportunity that I’ll be launching soon.
Over the last few months, I have been developing a plan to expand PeacheyPublications Ltd and turn it from my personal hobby into a disruptive digital publishing company by raising funds through Patreon.

Part of the plan is to involve more writers and develop and help them grow and become part of the company as the company grows.

What’s in it for you?
  • If you sign up to become a writer you’ll get editorial guidance and help to develop your ideas into publishable products.
  • Once your materials are ready we’ll do all the design and prepare the materials for publication on our platform.
  • Once your materials are published we will market them to our customers and help build up sales.
  • When the materials sell you’ll receive 50% in royalties.
  • We will also enable you to market the materials independently to receive 75% royalties.
Initially, we are looking for 10 - 20 writers to work with. You don’t have to be a previously published writer. This is open to anyone who has an idea for a lesson, activity, book, game or story.

Why us?
  • We can get your work published within weeks rather than years.
  • We give you editorial support based on more than 25 years experience in ELT.
  • We will market your materials for you through our networks and customer list.
  • We help you develop your ideas.
  • We look after design and make the materials look professional.
  • Using our platform you can generate extra income by marketing your materials yourself and by helping to sell materials from our other writers.
  • We will handle the VAT charges
Once again, if you are interested please sign up here

We’ll let you know when we launch.

Find out more about PeacheyPublications


Nik Peachey 

Thursday, 1 November 2018

What's new about Lessons in Digital Literacy

Over the last few months, I have been revising and redesigning the series of lesson plans I first published in 2016. These lesson plans help to develop students linguistic and digital skills as well as their critical thinking by introducing them to a range of topics and information-rich graphics.

What's New about the Lessons in Digital Literacy?

I've incorporated a number of new features into the redesigned lesson plans.

The biggest change is that I have created digital versions for both teachers and students.

Example: Studying How to Study

These presentations have been created using a technology called html5 which means that they will work in the browser in pretty much any device, including mobile phones, iPads and other tablets.

In order to make it easier for both teachers and students to access the infographic for the lesson, I've added QR codes, so that students can either scan them onto a mobile phone from the teacher's copy or if they are using their own version of the student materials, they can just click on it and the infographic will open and they can scroll up and down it.

Another feature that these digital materials include is a marker for annotating over the presentation. This is easy to access on both the teacher and student copies and can be opened and closed along with the annotation.

Where writing activities are suggested I've also created a link to an external notepad which students can use and then publish their work directly to the internet.

If your students don't have access to digital devices in the classroom you can still use these lessons as there is a PDF version of the students' version provided.

The underlying structure of each lesson looks a little like this.

As you can see I try to work from what students already know and believe, introduce new information to them, see how they respond to the information and then get them to examine and evaluate the information more deeply. The final part of each lesson helps students to synergise the information and incorporate it back into their belief system.

All of the lesson plans include detailed step by step instructions and guidance for teachers, as well as answer keys.

Although each plan contains eight to ten tasks and about 2 hours worth of material, they don't have to be completed in one lesson and some of the evaluation tasks used selectively.

 You can download all of these lesson plans and materials from: PeacheyPublications

I hope you enjoy themand sign up to my customer list to be informated when new materials become available and to get customer disocunts.

Related links:


Nik Peachey