
Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Online Video: What does it have to offer teachers and learners?

This series of postings are the result of a training presentation I was asked to deliver for Moroccan teachers of English in Kinitra on 15th December 08.

To prepare the session I looked back at many of the postings from my blogs over the last 18 months and thought about some of the changes that have been taking place in the way online video sharing has developed.

I've split the materials from the session into four sections.
These are by no means conclusive. With the spread of broadband access the potential for education and for language teaching and development and autonomous teacher development is huge, but still as yet largely under exploited as the discussion that followed my session highlighted.

Some of the potential problems we highlighted were:
  • Inappropriate content
  • Dead links
  • Teacher preparation time
  • Blocked sites
  • Lack of connectivity
Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this series of postings, which are in main part a summary of my work in this area over the last 18 months, and that they give some insight into some of the potential and a few of the ways we can overcome the problems. If you have experienced other problems, by all means leave a comment.

Related links:

Nik Peachey


  1. Hey, Nik!

    It seems we are really in synch! today I posted exactly about this topic with an interesting short video with Howard Rheingold. It's worth watching it! I'm sure I'll have, as always, lots to explore here in you post.

  2. The best video communication tool we have found is Hope it helps everyone

  3. Hi Anonymous,

    trynefsis does look quite good , but is NOT free, so I don't see it getting much take up from the education community whilst there are still tools around like TokBox which are free.



  4. Thanks Nik for such a useful overview. I've been incorporating clips into my lessons for the past three months (only!), mostly as a nice "ending" to the class - often relating to the theme of the class itself. Your overview has helped open the door to many other possibilities. I must take advantage of this while I still have access to internet and a projector in my class!

  5. Hi Lindsay,

    Good to see you here and I'm glad you like the postings. Also good to see that you've joined the ranks of ELT bloggers.

    I think it is getting easier and easier to use video materials in class and out of it now and especially the resources on the posting. There is so much that is ready made for learning.

    Hope your students enjoy these sites and good luck with your blog. I hope you manage to control the blogging addiction better than I do!!



  6. Great stuff Nik. Like Lindsay, I've only just begun playing around with the clips w/ fun results.
    Thanks for your postings, happy holiday period and all that jazz.


  7. @ Chaz

    Hi Chaz,

    Glad you enjoyed the articles and the links. Video has so much to offer language learners and especially online video that's really authentic.
    Hope your students enjoy your experimentation



  8. Hi Nik - I just wanted to add my gratitude for all your sites. I've only recently started to understand the enormous potential of Web 2.0 technology in teaching, and this is largely down to your suggestions. Thanks very much.

  9. @ Tony

    Wow! Thanks Tony. That's a really appreciated and generous compliment. Hope you continue to enjoy the postings and soon have your own blog going too.

    Best for 2009


  10. I am glad you posted a comment on the English Companion Ning. Your blog will be a great resource in my classroom. I have recently explored how I should use short clips from YouTube and TedTalks in my classroom. You can read my thoughts on my blog:

    I plan to add your fabulous blog to my blog roll and resources.


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