
Thursday, 3 April 2008

IATEFL Online Conference 2008

Well apologies to any regular visitors who have noticed the lack of activity her over the last week. This is mainly because my time over the next couple of weeks is being consumed by one of the biggest meetings of English language teachers in the World. The IATEFL annual conference.

I've been working as part of the online editorial team for the event and there are now some very active, discussion forums going on a whole range of ELT related subjects. Over the next week, the face to face event will begin and when it does we hope to be broadcasting and archiving a whole range of the live events including video and audio of interviews, plenaries and workshops.

So if you don't have the time and money to get along to Exeter UK from now until 11th April, then come along and sign on for the free online conference and get the opportunity to share experiences with teachers from all over the world.

Come and join us at:

And if anyone is going along to the face to face event.

Hope to see you there.




  1. My commentis that the options provided are very useful , for me are tools that i could use to learn and teach something n a funn way , and by using technology which is very important nowadays. The tools provided allow teachers to think about new ways of teaching and the learner new ways of explore what the have on the ocmputer and what the can do with internet, in other words gives the internet a useful use.
    As a student allows to explores news ways of learn and share ideas with someone else and seeks for advice in my process of learning

  2. Thanks Talia

    I'm always happy to try to help.




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